
Showing posts from November, 2013


Yapahuwa one of the ancient capitols in the history of Sri Lanka is situated upon a stretch of land standing upon a Mountainous plain which is a further‑ I 00ins above sea level (Little hills) no higher man 150 ms are a common feature in this are however there are a few bonds above the rest, such as Monrakanda, Diyabete and Yapahuwa. Yapahuwa situated Kurunegala District North western Province. The easiest access way yapahuwa, which is about 150Kms away from Colombo lays form Colombo to Kurunegala. From Kurunegala via Wariyapola along Anuradhapura Road up to Daladagama Junction where take a right turn to drive though Maho Junction to reach Yapalluwa. This is a three and a half drive from Colombo. With the annual rainfall figures ranging from 1500‑2000ml, the annual temperature of 2 Two 7 " C and a sole formation consisting of mixture of reddish brown Miniature brown loans Yapahuwa is ideally favourable for Paddy cultivation. According to